Saturday, July 6, 2019

Misery Loves Cabernet

by Kim Gruenenfelder

ST. Martin’s Griffin, NY, 2009

My second time through this light-hearted, funny, “yo girlfriend,” summer beach read.  Rated A.

Charlie is the 'I can do it all' assistant to a young eccentric movie star, Drew Stanton. As she dutifully serves yet again as a bridesmaid approaching thirty, Charlie bemoans her future with a dead-end job, no boyfriend, and a few too many extra pounds.

Charlie’s sarcasm is comical as are some of the situations we find her in. Her situation is relatable as one, I believe, every woman has endured at some point in their life.

Throughout the novel, Charlie is writing her own book of advice for her granddaughter. All the things she knows now, she wished she knew when she was sixteen; like, “some days are a total waste of make-up” (a nod to Gruenenfelder’s prior novel), or “never drink wine from a box”. These nuggets add to the charisma and humor of Charlie’s story.

So, grab a glass of wine and a copy of the book and have a few chuckles on Charlie and Kim.

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