A contemporary Young Adult coming-of-age adventure. Troubled seventeen-year-olds Kate Baxter and Frank Highwater run from very different lives to summer jobs in the Grand Canyon. When Frank pulls a drowning Kate from the raging rapids, the two reluctantly join forces to survive the wilds of Arizona. Facing dehydration, scorpions, hunger, the scorching sun, monsoons and hungry coyotes, the pair learn there may be worse things in life than those they are running from.
The riveting tale of twelve-year old Tim who leaves his comfortable Boston home to join the Navy on the decks of the USS Constitution. As the War of 1812 rages, Tim trains to run powder from the storage hold to the exploding cannons on the upper decks. Tim is chastised by the crew and bullied for his manners and education. He learns to rely on Old John, his mentor, David, another powder monkey, and Guerriere, the Captain's dog. Together they survive bullies, bad-weather, foul food, seasickness, floggings, loneliness, death, and the brutality of war.
The riveting tale of twelve-year old Tim who leaves his comfortable Boston home to join the Navy on the decks of the USS Constitution. As the War of 1812 rages, Tim trains to run powder from the storage hold to the exploding cannons on the upper decks. Tim is chastised by the crew and bullied for his manners and education. He learns to rely on Old John, his mentor, David, another powder monkey, and Guerriere, the Captain's dog. Together they survive bullies, bad-weather, foul food, seasickness, floggings, loneliness, death, and the brutality of war.
Powder Monkey is a fictional story set against the historical backdrop of the USS Constitution's conquests. Tim's story is one of perseverance against personal weakness, loneliness in a sea of men, true friendship amongst strangers, and triumph over all.
Ben and April Sanderson are off on another wildlife rescue. The second in the series.
Coming too close for comfort with an 800-pound cow moose and her twin calves somehow makes April and Ben feel responsible for their safety. When the moose become a public nuisance, the State Wildlife authorities relocate them. The children of Derby Village must rally together to find Millie, the calf they left behind. The children overcome parental conflict, defy authorities, and their old friend Nell, almost loses her Rehabilitator's license, but it's all worth it to rescue Millie from certain death.
This Middle-Grade novel is a wholesome read for nature loving kids. There is a time and a place for fantasy and mystery. Sometimes, kids just want to see themselves in a more realistic adventure.
A Middle Grade novel featuring April and Ben Sanderson, Hooty, and Nell that will both challenge kids imaginations and provide them with a wholesome, lighthearted adventure. April and Ben Sanderson live in a rural New England town with their parents. Their lives are turned upside down when a Great Horned Owl, Hooty, flies into the side of their van injuring his left wing.
The fun and the challenges keep coming as the children persevere in having a role in Hooty's rehabilitation. Will he fly again or remain in captivity? Can April overcome her desire to keep her owl and release him when the time comes? With the help of an aging wildlife rehabilitator, Nellie Platt, their parents, and their friends, Ben and April strive to do what's best for the Flying Tiger they named Hooty - no matter how much it hurts.
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